Tuesday, June 16, 2009

why must hurb be a crime if all it dose is relieve the mind???

Next year I was hoping to do an opinion peice on marijuana. I know I probly sound like a pot head saying this but I dont think it should be illegal and I would really like a chance to explain my thoughts on this topic.
Did you know that the goverment has been conciterating legalizing and taxing marijuana, and I total agree on that, you'd be vary suprised at how many people smoke it. I would really love to go more in depth with othere students on this topic, and I know that some will be immutar and just want it legalized just so they can smoke it and not worry about being cought but I think they should also hear what grown up have to say about it and if we discussed it with an adult, even tho I know the students will be like "pish posh" about it, the adults oppinion will still sit in there brain somwhere and sooner or later the students will think about what that adult had to say.

1 comment:

  1. I think that we should definitly have an opinion piece on this next year. Good idea. I think that with some of our past topics I personaly was very surpirsed that most of our class did not become idiots (no offense to others). But, the idea of having an adult come in is an amazing idea.
