Wednesday, June 10, 2009

favorite opinion piece

My best opinion piece was #6 religious rights. In this O/P (opinion piece) I talked about how I thought it was wrong to make a person hide his or her religious belief when they come to school. In a story we read a Native American boy was suspended from school all because he and his family refused to cut his hair, it was a tribal custom for boys and men to only cut there hair when an important life-changing event occurs, did I mention that this boy was only in kindergarten.

I personally do not have a religion but I still think its wrong to make people hide who they are and what they believe. When I was assigned this O/P I knew that I was going to do just fine on it due to the fact that its our right to be who we want to be and believe in what we want to believe in. I'm sick of people telling me about there religious beliefs and trying to make me change all because I don't believe in god, and for a teacher to tell this child that he needed to cut his hair just because it didn't go along with there belief on how a young boy should look really go me mad. I'm glad I got to share my opinion with you and I'm happy you all took the time to listen to me thank you all.


  1. I really would have to agree with you. Because it is very wrong to make someone hide who they are.

  2. I loved how you told what the opinion piece was about and how you felt about it. I think that you are right; I think that people should not have to change how they look just because others do not like them or their religion.
